Feb 14, 2024    Pastor Matt Haywood

Tonight, we are going to examine the works that Jesus did and see how we are supposed to follow Jesus’ model of working where God works.

A lot of churches spend a lot of time and energy working where God is not working. God chooses to work in a particular moment in time and in a particular way through the Holy Spirit.

You can have a church that the Lord is moving in and they are experiencing growth and the presence of the Holy Spirit; and another church can come along and see that and try to model what is happening there and find that there are no results from doing the exact same thing. 

What went wrong? Was it that pastor or the leadership didn’t follow the plan exactly? Not necessarily

It may be that God wants to work through one church in one way and another church in another way. The key is not to copy from one another, though we can learn from one another and get ideas from one another. The key is to look where God is already working and join in.

Henry Blackaby in His book Experiencing God talks about this principle. We have to look for where God is at work already.

God works, even when we don’t. We don’t come up with the plan ourselves, we look for where God is working and join Him. 

We are going to look tonight at Jesus’ life and see how He modeled this principle.

We are going to look at 4 principles and then take some time to reflect on where we think God is working now in our own church.