Nov 5, 2023    Pastor Matt Haywood

I’m an avid coffee drinker. I have a cup in the morning, a cup when I get home in the afternoon, and a cup in the evening. I may even squeeze in a few extra cups throughout the day.

However, one thing I cannot stand is cold coffee. I understand that some of you like this, but I can’t get behind that. At least with cold coffee there is usually some flavoring in there, but I still prefer mine hot.

However, the coffee that is the most disgusting of all is a cup that has started out hot and has sat around too long and gotten lukewarm and starting to go cold. That’s a cup of lost potential.

Well, this morning we are going to take a look at perhaps the most famous church of the seven churches of Revelation - the Laodicean Church. You may not know much about these other churches, but this is one that if you have been in church for any length of time, you have probably heard reference to and you know it is not good.

Let’s take a look at why this morning.