Jan 21, 2024    Matt

This morning was a cold morning for us in Central Georgia. It was 19 degrees when I woke up. For anybody living up North, that may not seem like a big deal, but for those of us who are used to the warm temperatures of the Deep South, that’s like blizzard temperatures.

Over these last few mornings like this you may have found yourself cuddled up under the covers of your bed. After working hard all night, the last thing you want to do is get up and lose all of that precious heat that you’ve built up. Maybe the alarm clock goes off and you just want to slap the snooze button and roll over and go back to sleep.

For our second Mission Buster we are going to take a look at laziness. Now, I’m not saying you are lazy if you hit the snooze button, but if you hit the spiritual snooze button over and over again with regards to your service of the Lord, then you may need someone to tell you that’s spiritual laziness.

The famous Puritan preacher Richard Baxter said, "Laziness breeds a love of amusement. "